Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization2020-11-22T21:21:29+00:00

Fly to amazing new heights on the search results pages

  • Raise your search rankings.
  • Boost your web traffic.
  • Maximize your business.

Everyone talks about SEO these days. Google is just as much a verb as it is a company and search tool.
But what does any of this even mean? And why should I care?

What will we do for you?2020-11-16T01:23:13+00:00

We start with an SEO audit to see where you are currently.

Then we map out a strategy to get you to rocket up the search engine results pages.

We implement that strategy.

We closely monitor and measure your results and continuously retool and strategize.

We also educate and equip you with lots of tools and resources that you can start to implement on your own on a regular basis as you create and publish new content.

Should I work with a professional SEO firm?2020-11-16T01:21:53+00:00

There are many reasons to do so, among which is, the algorithms that search engines use constantly change.

SEO professionals keep up to date with all these changes and can use sophisticated tools and analytics to ensure that you are getting measurable results.

There are many different variables that you must continuously monitor, track and test.

More importantly, a lot of what goes into SEO cannot just be simply automated and run on auto-pilot.

The time and effort you’d have to spend keeping track of Google algorithms and other variables that impact your search rankings could be spent focusing on your core business.

Do I always need to do SEO?2020-11-16T01:20:14+00:00

Yes. SEO is a continuous process.

Search engines continually revise their algorithms. Your competitors also are continuously optimizing their content and websites to get to the top.

However, there are periods when you watch and measure your SEO activities to see what’s contributing to the results you’re getting.

Then you can retool and restrategize accordingly.

How long do the results last?2020-11-16T01:18:47+00:00

Search rankings and positions aren’t static.

A simple change to an algorithm that is used by a search engine can cause a dramatic change in search rankings, sometimes overnight.

That is why continuous monitoring of both a website’s search rankings as well as the latest rules from the search engines and SEO trends is crucial.

How long will it take to get to the top of the SERPs?2020-11-16T01:15:51+00:00

SEO is not an instantaneous, one day quick and easy fix.

Getting to the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs) requires consistent work with a deliberate strategy, careful execution and an eye for the long term.

Anybody that guarantees an overnight rise to the top of Google search listings or any other search engine is selling an unattainable dream.

What are the benefits of SEO?2020-11-16T01:14:48+00:00

The benefits of effective search engine optimization include:

  • Improved search engine rankings.
  • Increased targeted traffic to your website.
  • Improved leads generation for your business.
  • Improved visibility for your business.
  • Higher click through rates: the higher you show up in the rankings the more likely it is that a search visitor will click on your page.
  • Increased conversions and sales.
  • Increased revenues.
Why is SEO important?2020-11-16T01:13:22+00:00

Millions of new websites and web pages appear on the internet every single day.

93% of online experiences begin with a search engine, as most people depend on search engines like Google to find websites like yours.

Depending on the type of business, search-engine-directed traffic accounts for anywhere from about 50 to 90 percent of all visits to a website.

Sales leads from SEO have a 20% close rate while outbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) have a 1.7% close rate.

Most search users only click on the first few search results returned by a search engine.

Your website and pages must come up high in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for your site to get any real traffic from the search engines.

Without effective and continuous search engine optimization of your website and pages, your business runs the risk of getting lost on the internet.

What is search engine optimization (SEO)?2020-11-16T01:10:25+00:00

Search engine optimization describes the many different – constantly changing – strategies you need to implement to improve the rankings of your web pages in the popular search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Internet users rely on these search engines to find businesses like yours on the internet.

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